
ZEDOnet GmbH
Sedanstrasse 8
D-87600 Kaufbeuren
Tel. +49 8341 908 3 905
Fax +49 8341 908 3 906

E-Mail: mail (a) zedonet (dot) de
You can reach us also via our contact form
HRB 7805 Registergericht Kempten
Management: Stefan Donhauser, Florian Zeiler

Online Dispute Resolution according to EU Regulation No 524/2013

The European Commission provides a platform for consumer disputes (Online Dispute Resolution) which you can find with the following link:

Picture credits

The images used on the web pages of ZEDOnet GmbH are from the following sources: Adobe Stock Photos / Fotolia picture credits, Corel Corporation, ZEDOnet GmbH